Architecture Research
I.V.1 Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.
I.V.1.4 Analyze images through the process of deconstruction (the components of the image and its meaning). I.V.2 Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression. |
1. Create a spread or several spreads showing your research of at least three different architectural styles. Include some notes or printouts about architects and the name of key elements and vocabulary about the style or styles you have selected. Look through the available books and websites to get an idea of some of the most well-known buildings around the world. Make quick, expressive lines, notes and sketches on what appeals to you, and the names of the iconic buildings you like most. What kinds of architectural elements are you drawn to? Your sketches need to be very general, not detailed! Lines should be expressive and simple. If you'd like to include small thumbnail printouts in some part of your spread you may. 2. Look at the"How to Draw in 3-point Perspective" video below and practice drawing a building along with it. 3. Create an ORIGINAL work of art that is loosely based off a building that you find. *You must know the name and architect (if known) of your building. *You must know the name of 5 architectural terms as they relate to your building. *Your building must fill your page *You may use oil pastel, watercolors, paint, colored pencil, graphite, or any mixture of any of these. |
Italy (Photos: Gant)