This week we will examine what craftsmanship is and what we can do to produce higher qualities of it in our artwork.
Syllabification: crafts·man·ship
- 1. Skill in a particular craft: I admire his engineering skills and craftsmanship
- 1.1 The quality of design and work shown in something made by hand; artistry
1. Brainstorm five words or habits that foster the development and enhancement of craftsmanship in journal work.
2. What do you think the following sentence means?
“We often sacrifice real craftsmanship at the altar of expediency.”
3. Read the article “Principles of Great Design (below)”
Spread Assignment:
Create a journal spread that illustrates how you interpret the word craftsmanship. It is expected that a great deal of care and patience and quality work go into your spread. Your work should reflect at least one hour of work. You need to include the answers to questions 1 and 2 on the journal spread. You may also include responses to the video of "The Art of Craftsmanship."
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